As I sat in my studio looking through a variety of creative magazines, a strong thought jumps into my head 'I have a right to be me'. Too many times we as artist, as people really, are not given the okay by our peers, family etc. to grow. We are who they last saw us as. In our art we are the quilters, the painters, the sculputurer, etc. We can't try other things, we can't incorporate into our style of design. Actually we also don't give that right to ourselves, we are afraid of disappointing anyone, so therefore: we disappoint ourselves, we find it difficult pulling ourselves out of the proverbial 'rut'. I don't mean 'rut' in a demeaning way, but more of becoming complacent, not wanting to explore outside of our comfort zone.
I came to the conclusion that it is okay to meander with my creativity in the directions that strongly call to me. It is like taking a road trip, there is a destination in mind, but along that road trip there are places of interest at many of the exits that call to me. Because I have no set time to be at my destination I take my time and explore.
In traveling we have to refuel our car, service it, etc. Like wise as artist, and as people we have to refuel our mind, nourish our body, replenish our spirit. We have the right to be who we were meant to be. So after a little time spent exploring I get back into my car and continue on my journey. Everything is alright, I am exerting my right to be me, and push my art in the direction that is satisfying to me and continue to grow creatively.
My trip to Munich Germany Nov. 2010 allowed me that 'exit' to explore into another form of my creativity, 'mosaics' . I am passionate about my fabric art, but mainly I am passionate about ART. I love learning, exploring, experimenting with different mediums. It is okay, it is all a part of the right to be me. I may not please others with my art all the time, but I do have to honor myself-always.
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